--- ezfmrc.orig	Sat May 24 21:38:42 2003
+++ ezfmrc	Sat May 24 21:51:36 2003
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-# Initialization file for ezfm. Path should be ~/.ezfmrc
+# Initialization file for ezfm. Path should be ~/.desk/ezfmrc
 Section  "Files"
-   Magicfile     ezfmMagic:~/.ezfmMagic:/usr/X11R6/share/ezfm/ezfmMagic
-   IconPath      ezfmIcons:~/.ezfmIcons:/usr/X11R6/share/ezfm/ezfmIcons
-   ExtensionFile ezfmExtension:~/.ezfmExtension:/usr/X11R6/share/ezfm/ezfmExtension
+   Magicfile     ezfmMagic:~/.desk/ezfmMagic:/usr/X11R6/share/ezfm/ezfmMagic
+   IconPath      ezfmIcons:~/.desk/ezfmIcons:/usr/X11R6/share/ezfm/ezfmIcons
+   ExtensionFile ezfmExtension:~/.desk/ezfmExtension:/usr/X11R6/share/ezfm/ezfmExtension
 # Note: the extension file above is used to supress magic check. You can